Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Vērotāja »

Labrīt, lianaliesma :D Atkal interesanti. Kukelke pirms mēneša apgalvoja, ka neredz uzvedības atšķirības starp dzimumiem (iekopēts mūsu foruma 39.lapā vidū), taču iespējams viņš domāja dažāda vecuma mazuļus. Līdz izlidošanai tiešām īpašas atšķirības nav redzamas.

Neizinu kas ir Kukelke, bet liela pateicība viņam par to, ka dalās savām domām, saviem novērojumiem. Cik fotogrāfijās ir nācies redzēt un lasīt dažādu kameru arbalsta grupas - izskatās, tie ir pensionēti biologi, ornitologi. Visa cieņa tam, ka viņi turpina dalīties savām zināšanām. Ļoti žēl, ka Latvijā tā nav...

Var jau būt, ka vēl redzēsim mazos ērglēnus, taču lielos vilcienos var teikt, ka sezonu esam noslēguši.
Un tagad esmu pilnīgi pārliecināta, ka nākošo sezonu mums vajadzētu turpināt LK.
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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Lianaliesma »

Labrīt, Vērotāj :D Liekas, ka nu mūsu jaunieši gatavojas ceļam, arvien retāk parādās ligzdā.... :D

Paldies, ka vienmēr esi klāt, sniedz atbildes, skaidrojumus un esi kopā vērojumos... :P
Ļoti priecājos par šo forumu, tas man devis iespēju atklāt pasauli - plašāku, daudzveidīgāku, un ieraudzīt citādus cilvēkus. Gan LK, gan Hankokas forumā piedalās interesanti cilvēki, ar interesi par dabas viedo kārtību un ar zināšanām, ar pieredzi , kas labprāt dalās ar pārējiem savos vērojumos, savā priekā. Un kas tā vai citādi piedalās šo zināšanu izplatīšanā ...
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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Vērotāja »

15.00 Uz kameras koka sēž viens no bērniem un klaigā. Ligzdā pagaidām nav lidojis, tāpēc nezinu kurš no viņiem tas ir.
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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Vērotāja »

15.19 Tas ir Elars. Tēvs atnesa viņam zivi.
Aino uz kņadu neatlidoja! Varbūt devies ceļā?


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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Vērotāja »

15.55 Liekas, ka Aino ir prom!
Ilmārs atlidoja ar otru zivi otram bērnam. Elars ielaidās ligzdā, bet zivi neņēma, jo nupat paēdis. Abi skatījās apkārt uz visām pusēm gaidot vai neparādīsies Aino. Brīdi pagaidījis, Ilmārs ar visu zivi devās prom, Elars aiz viņa.


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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Vērotāja »

16.58 Mazais ligzdas tuvumā klaigā, bet izklausās kaut kur tālāk par kameras koku.

Papildinu 18.00:
Minūtes 10 paklaigāja un tā arī ligzdā neielidoja.
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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Sunshine »

Vērotāja, paldies par šodienas bildēm! Tā izskatās, ka mazais Aino ir devies lielajā ceļojumā! Bildē 15:56 tētis un brālis tiešām abi lūkojas apkārt un skatieniem meklē Aino, bet viņš jau, šķiet, ir devies prom..

Te vēl pēdējā šā rīta bildīte no LK, kur 8:13 Aino bija ligzdā:

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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Vērotāja »


Sveiki :P

12.35 Tiešraide ir ieslēgta visu rītu. Elars vēl nav aizlidojis. Viņu ik pa brīdim var dzirdēt, bet ne pie pašas ligzdas, kaut kur mežmalā.
Ligzdā neviens no ērgļiem nav bijis.
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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Vērotāja »

Pēc apt 12.30 ērglēna klaigāšana vairs nav dzirdama.
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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Vērotāja »

Dažas minūtes pēc 19 dzirdēju divus īsus Elara saucienus un izskatījās, ka tas bija viņš, kas no sausā koka puses aizlidoja uz mežu kadra aizmugurē (lidoja zivjērgļa izmēra putns)
Liekas, ka Elars gan laikā ap 11 līdz 13, gan tagad lidinās ap ligzdu un gaida Ilmāru. Ilmārs izskatās, ka devies migrācijā pirms Elara (?).
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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Lianaliesma »

No LK:

September 13th, 2014, 12:51 pm

We couldn't be sure, it's Elar calling as long as he's not showing up. Possibly the ospreys of a neighbouring nest used the absence of ospreys in our nest to widen its territory or some migrating bird on a stopover using Ilmar's rich fishing ponds. It would be odd, if Elar was still at home and did not land on the nest.

Perhaps Ilmar and Elar moved to a site closer to the ponds, as they themself using a territory of an abandoned nest.

I think youngsters lost the bond to the nest already, as both did not show up in the morning prior to the usually delivery times any more. The nest is only a fly-in place where fish is served. If Ilmar chooses another site, youngsters will follow him like a youngster and a male osprey using the alien, unoccupied nest of Kalakotkas2 in 2012 for fish deliveries.

September 13th, 2014, 9:20 pm

Kukelke wrote:
Somehow I have the feeling that Ilmar left and started his migration, but that Elar could still be around. It wouldn't be the first time that an adult leaves before the last chick migrated.

So Ilmar could "leave" Elar to learn to cope on his own - force him to leave -? Aino left just yesterday and Elar is several days younger than Aino. Does it mean that Aino was too comfortable and left late - and Elar is in a more normal schedule as far as Ilmar can decide?

September 13th, 2014, 10:49 pm

Owlie wrote:
So Ilmar could "leave" Elar to learn to cope on his own - force him to leave -? Aino left just yesterday and Elar is several days younger than Aino. Does it mean that Aino was too comfortable and left late - and Elar is in a more normal schedule as far as Ilmar can decide?

Both are within normal migration ages. That is, when I compare them to the migration ages of other nests (UK nests) over the years, that I have readily available here. The main trend in my available material is that juvenile ospreys begin their migration between 85 and 95 days old - with exceptions ranging from 79 to 110 days old (especially the latter is very rare).

And to me Elar always looked a bit more independent than Aino at the same age, especially after fledging.

Here some statistics from Tiger & Chloe's osprey site:

Loch Garten: http://www.imagicat.com/LGmigration.html
Loch of the Lowes: http://www.imagicat.com/LOTLmigration.html
Dyfi: http://www.imagicat.com/dyfiFM.html
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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Vērotāja »

Labrīt, lianaliesma :P
Šoreiz nepiekrītu andy7 viedoklim, ka zivjērgļi būtu ielidojuši ligzdā. Jaunieši vairāk dzīvojās ap ligzdu un ligzdā ielidoja tikai ieraugot tuvojamies Ilmāru. Mazajam Elaram ir ļoti specifiska balstiņa, tāda kā nedaudz piesmakusi. Esmu pārliecināta, ka vakar no rīta klaigāja viņš. Ap 19 tad vairs nav pārliecības, bija tikai divi kliedzieni un tas varēja gan būt Elars, gan arī svešs ērglis.

Jebkurā gadījumā, izskatās, ka Ilmārs un viņa jaunieši beidzot devušies migrācijā.
Lai ērgļiem drošs ceļš!

Mežā dzirdami sīļi un kraukļi.
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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Lianaliesma »

Labrīt, Vērotāj :D

Arī no manis - sveicieni Elāram, Aino, Ilmāram un Irmiņai - lai viņiem veiksmīgs ceļavējš un laba atpūta dienvidos! :P

Pievienojos Kukelkes šīs sezonas atvadu vārdiem un - gaidot mūsu putnus atgriežamies... :P

September 14th, 2014, 11:00 am

In a way it's indeed a bit melancholic to have to say goodbye to them, from our human point of view, as nest watchers.
Therefore I prefer to celebrate that another annual circle has been completed with success. The circle of ospreys returning, nest preparations, courtship and mating, egg laying, hatching, fledging and very recently also migrating. Making sure more of these beautiful birds will return in the years to come.

I'm looking forward to next season too.

2015 promises to be an exciting year for the osprey nests I use to follow closely every day.

- Kalakotkas: Piret & Madis - will they breed in front of the camera again for the first time since 2012 ?
- Kalakotkas2: Ilmar & Irma - will we get a glimpse of their returning offspring from 2013, Kenno and Kaido ?
- Zivju-erglis: Perkons & Lauma - will we again see Perkons feeding Lauma feeding the chicks? Will the nest be made bigger, and will Perkons contribute to that with more than grass and moss?
- Dyfi: how high will Monty build his nest? Will there again be epic fights over the nest between Glesni and Blue24, or has Blue24 finally found a mate and a nest for herself? 2013 chicks Clarach and Cerist could return too.
- the Nelson nest in Canada: will Nellie and this new male find eachother again and raise chicks?

And last, but not least to me personally, the discovery of 2 nests being built by pioneering ospreys in the Netherlands this summer: will they return next year to finish their nests and breed, and raise the first osplets in the Netherlands since many centuries? Hopefully there will be a nest camera for the public and scientists to watch, just as when the first pair of White Tailed Eagles began to breed in NL back in 2007.

Plus tens of other osprey nests I've been checking on a regular base: Loch of the Lowes (will Lady return once more?), Rutland (will Maya and 33 raise chicks at Manton Bay?), Loch Garten, Glaslyn (will probably get a nestcam next year), Hellgate, Dunrovin, Alcoa, Hog Island, Woods Hole, Calgary, Finland, Poland etc etc etc

Where's the fast forward button to March 2015 ?

Jā, gribētos ātrāk redzēt turpinājumu...
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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Lianaliesma »

Cik aizkustinoši un skaisti... :P

No LK:
Kertugal/ Sophie
Estonian Osprey Nests Ilmar & Irma ~ DISCUSSION~ 2014
September 15th, 2014, 3:37 pm

Think every body for all. I watch all about osprey and others but never right because my english....
It was a strange saison with very nice succes and sad stories. But it's the life.
To wait for the next saison will be very long.... All these birds are so merveilous (?)...
I made a lot of designs of what i saw ( 2 drawing books), i don't now what i can do with that

For thunks, i send you one. I hope they all made a nice trip whith no problem and have a long and nice life.

It is the first fledge of Aino

Ilmar's familly: Ilmar comes with a fish, Irma is beetwin Aino and Elar
Last edited by Lianaliesma on 16 Sep 2014 16:03, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Vērotāja »

Labrīt, lianaliesma :P Tiešām, aizkustinoši. Labs zīmējums, precīzi noķertas pozas, sejas izteiksmes.

Kopā ar visiem gaidīšu nākamo sezonu, taču man gan negribās kā Kukelke nospiest pārtīšanas pogu. Ir jauki izbaudīt ziemas mieru un tad kopā ar putniem sagaidīt dabas atmošanos :D
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Re: Zivjērgļi Igaunijā (Irma un Ilmārs) 2014

Post by Lianaliesma »

Interesanti... par zivjērgļu pirmo migrāciju...

No LK:
Re: Estonian Osprey Nests Ilmar & Irma ~ DISCUSSION~ 2014
September 19th, 2014, 10:13 am

Birdfriend wrote:
Very interesting informations about Ilmar the great fisher and over the flightroutes our ospreys.
Think you,Kukelke,that Ilmar and Elar together or alone take the same way for their migration?

Ospreys migrate alone, never in family groups. Even if they leave the same day, each will take different paths.

Osprey migration is still not completely understood by scientists, but evidence from tracked birds suggests that adult birds use more or less the same route every year.
However, "route" should be understood as a broad corridor rather than a fixed highway with road signs. Influenced by local weather and wind conditions during passage, visibility, natural obstacles like mountain chains etc, an adult osprey can fly up to some 500 km east or west from the route taken previously (hence the broad corridor), although they seem to return to certain staging points along the route, where they know there's food available, so they can 'fill their tanks' and rest before continuing their journey.

For juvenile ospreys, migration is different. They have noone to show them the way. All they have is an instinct to migrate at the end of summer, but they don't know where they're going or what the goal at the end of their journey is. When their instinct to migrate becomes strong enough, they just start to fly into the most plausible direction, which normally is south. One could say that juvenile ospreys begin on a new migration every day, until they reach an area which they 'like', where there's enough fish, warm temperatures and things like that (for some ospreys this is the Mediterranean coast of Southern Europe, while other ospreys continue deep into Africa).

This 'not having an imprinted route yet' also explains why juvenile ospreys in particular on their first autumn migration often fly over vast stretches of seas and oceans, much more than adult birds tend to do. First when these juvenile ospreys return, normally at 2 years old (sometimes at 3 years old, and very rare, at 1 year old), they find out that there are safer ways over land with much less vast stretches of water to cross, and once an osprey has discovered such a route (or corridor as mentioned above), it will stick to it for all other migrations to come.

The above is especially true for European ospreys who take the western route (birds from the UK, Germany and western parts of Scandinavia), and also for east coast ospreys of North America.

Just to illustrate this, here an example of a North American first time migrator (and record holder):

Note that not all juvenile ospreys in N-America do this. Many follow a route over land and cross the water at a later point. Again, this has probably to do with local weather conditions and things like that at the day of departure.
On their way back, these ospreys can see the islands and landmasses from the sky, and then follow these via Cuba and the Bahamas to Florida and further north over land.
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